
3 Months
- Brigitta Möstl
- SEADEV Studios
* NodeJs
* VueJs
* Nuxt
* MongoDb
- Development
- Deployment
- Support
- Operations
Initial Situation
Raising children can be very overwhelming.
- Am I supporting my child properly?
- Can it develop optimally?
To answer precisely these questions, Ms. Brigitta Möstl has created the Bildungswelt so that parents can experience a wide variety of things together with their children in pedagogically guided courses.
She approached us to digitalize her workflow and do the technical implementation.
Our Solution
Our technical solution allows parents to register their children for various appointments simply and intuitively. Further information can also be obtained at any time.
For municipalities, our software allows to manage their events and participants on a central web-based tool. This helps to reduce administrative work and thus makes the overall concept of Bildungswelt more attractive.
Technological Approach
In terms of technologies, we opted for Vue.js with Vuetify in the frontend and Node.js with MongoDB connection in the backend.
Vue.js and Vuetify in particular offered us comprehensive components to create an intuitive and user-friendly interface, both on the homepage and in the administrator area.
The entire project can be divided into three closely interacting modules:
- Homepage
- Here, interested parents can easily register their children for various events, that have previously been created by the respective municipality. Further information can also be obtained directly on the homepage
- Administrator area
- In this area, municipalities can create events and handle participants
- Backend
- Written in the blazingly fast Node.js, combined with a flexible and fast MongoDB database, it guarantees fast, secure and flexible communication with the frontend
Future Outlook
At the moment, the Bildungswelt is in a growth phase. Thanks to Brigitta Möstl's innovative idea and our solid technological implementation, we believe that Bildungswelt will continue to make a very positive name for itself in the future.
We love the fact that our work has a positive impact for today's society.